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About Mpox (MPX/Monkeypox)


How is Mpox virus transmitted?

Transmission is through skin-to-skin contact with sores and/or scabs and/or bodily fluids from someone with Mpox.


Mpox MAY not be a sexually transmitted infection, but it seems it can be transmitted like one (likely because of the close contact that comes with sex). You should monitor for symptoms and get vaccinated as early as possible.

Person-to-person transmission of Mpox virus can occur in several ways: direct contact, indirect contact through fomites, and through respiratory secretions. Direct contact – The Mpox virus is thought to get into your body by direct contact with Mpox sores, scabs from Mox sores that are healing, or body fluids from a person with Mpox. This tells us that the Mpox virus would spread pretty well during activities that include close, personal contact with a person that has Mpox – like sex, cuddling, etc. Breaks in the skin or breaks in the pink parts just inside the mouth, anus, or genitals (mucous membranes) are potential ways the Mpox virus enters the body. These breaks usually occur from the friction of sex. Indirect contact through fomites – the Mpox virus might also get into your body through touching materials or objects that a person with Mpox has come into contact with – such as clothing or bed sheets, etc. However, it is unclear whether this is a common way of getting Mpox. At this stage, this is considered a possible risk. Respiratory secretions – the Mpox virus might also get into your body through breathing air from other people coughing, speaking, or other activities that blow air out of the lungs and throat – although, really long periods of face-to-face contact with someone with Mpox might be required for this to occur. We do know that samples of Mpox sores on the skin appear to contain much more Mpox virus DNA than throat swabs – suggesting the Mpox virus getting into your body through the air might be less of a risk. But activities where you could possibly inhale Mpox virus – like shaking bed sheets with Mpox virus – may also put you at risk and should be avoided.

What is Mpox like if you acquire it?

Something as benign as a pimple could be Mpox.


Mpox can start as a general illness that seems like a cold that develops into a rash of disk-like pimples that covers areas of your body.


These pimples will then crust over, become sores, and eventually your skin will heal. This process usually takes two to three weeks to complete.

  • How long does it take to show up?


Prior to the current global outbreak, it usually took about 5 to 13 days after the Mpox virus got into your body for symptoms to show up – but symptoms can develop in just 4 days or take as long as 21 days to show. With the current global outbreak, it has usually taken 7 to 10 days for symptoms to appear.

  • What symptoms should I look for?

Feeling sick: A general, unwell feeling is sometimes experienced in the early stages of having Mpox. At this early stage, it is hard to tell if you have Mpox, as these symptoms can be caused by other things that aren’t the Mpox virus – like COIVD, the flu, some STIs, etc. The things to look out for in this early stage are a fever, a sore throat, back pain, a headache, and feeling fatigued. Sometimes, people don’t get any symptoms at all in the early stages and feel perfectly fine. A rash: a rash of small (2 – 5 mm) disks that look like pimples that show up on any part of the body. Often, these pimples are found around/on/in the genitals, around/on/in the mouth, and around/on/in the anus. Sometimes the rash will show up on the face, arm, chest, and legs. This rash can show up one or two days before, or three to four days after the general feeling of sickness described above. But remember, sometimes people don’t feel sick, and they experience just the rash. Ultimately, the rash will last for about two to three weeks after it first shows up. It develops into sores that crust over and fall off. Other symptoms: in the current global Mpox virus outbreak, there have been cases of people with sore throats who report they have difficulty swallowing. There have also been cases of Mpox that caused sores around/on/in the anus, with rectal bleeding, pain, and inflammation. It is best to seek medical care from a s100 GP or your local sexual health clinic if you experience these symptoms.

How long can Mpox virus be passed on if someone has it?

If you have Mpox avoid sexual contact with other people until symptoms resolve.

If you have been told you are contact with someone with Mpox avoid sexual contact for 21 days.

The Mpox virus can be passed on whilst someone has symptoms: that is from when symptoms first appear and all the way through until the skin has healed completely – looking just like it did before the Mpox rash. Contacts of people with confirmed cases of Mpox should avoid sexual contact for 21 days and monitor for symptoms.

Can I get vaccinated for Mpox?

If you would like to be vaccinated – you can find the nearest vaccination centre here.

There is a safe and effective vaccine, named JYNNEOS, which protects people against Mpox, and it's often free to get, depending on where you go, Vaccination can also be offered to people that have had sexual partners with confirmed Mpox cases. This should help ensure the illness is milder or reduce their chance of developing symptoms altogether. This is known as PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis).

How is Mpox treated?

Mostly cases pf Mpox are mild and can be treated at home by drinking enough water, taking paracetamol or ibuprofen, and rest.


Serious cases can be treated by a doctor with special training in infectious diseases.

Mild illness: most people experience a mild illness, and if this is you, all you have to do is rest, make sure you’re drinking enough water, and manage pain and fever with paracetamol or ibuprofen. Getting better usually takes a few weeks. Severe illness and/or for people with weakened immune systems: some treatment options exist; however, this requires the expertise of a doctor that has special training in infectious diseases. If this is you, it is best to consult your GP or sexual health service to find out more.

 What should I do if I have MPX?

Isolate at home and seek medical care by calling a sexual health clinic, a GP that has a lot of experience in sexual health, or call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84).

It would be best to isolate at home but note you can leave to seek medical care in an emergency or any other situation that poses a risk to your safety and wellbeing. Medical advice for Mpox can be sought by calling a s100 doctor (they will likely offer a telehealth appointment), calling your local sexual health clinic, or by ringing 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84). If you live with other people, if possible, it would be best to isolate yourself in a room or area that is separate from the rest of your household. If this isn’t possible, you can minimise the risk of transmission by wearing longer clothing that covers the body and by wearing a face mask. Regular hand washing, wearing gloves for direct contact, and cleaning common surfaces will minimise the likelihood of passing the Mpox virus to the people you live with.

Are there ways to reduce acquiring Mpox whilst I’m having sex?

When hooking up, exchange contact information with your partner/s. This will assist with contact tracing and help slow the spread of Mpox.

Because of the close contact with other people that comes with having sex, it is possible that Mpox virus could get into your body during sex if one or more of your sexual partners have Mpox. Strategies that reduce contact with Mpox sores and scabs or bodily fluids will reduce your risk of acquiring Mpox. This can include: - Sharing your details and phone number with your partners so they can let you know if they come in contact with Mpox or develop symptoms. This will allow you to can access PEP if needed. - Reduce your number of sexual partners - Consider limiting your sex partners to people you know. Creating a bubble will reduce your risk of acquiring Mpox. - Not sharing your sharing sex toys with others - Having virtual sex through the phone or a webcam without personal contact - Masturbating together without personal contact - Using condoms for 12 weeks after recovering from Mpox. - Keeping your clothes on to minimise skin-to-skin contact - Avoiding kissing - Get vaccinated for Mpox with the JYNNEOS vaccine.

Local sexual health clinic finder

Level 1/725 Ann Street, Fortitude Valley, Queensland, 4006

07 3013 5566

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